Sunday, April 5, 2015

There Can't Be Just One Title For This Much Stuff...

   Alright. So obviously I'm horrible at keeping up with my own life on here. So to save you from viewing a super long post, I'm only going to post stuff from since I've been home from college for winter semester. I've been going to BYU-I and am on the fall/spring track, so that means I've been home since January, and second semester classes start on April 20th. If you want to see my college life from fall semester, just Facebook stalk me.
   So anyway, since I've been home, a lot of stuff has happened, yet a lot of nothing has happened at the same time. I went back to work at Chick-fil-a, took an online class (never again will I take another online class), and had a lot of time to think about my decision to serve a mission. I'll save a post for later about my choice to go on a mission.
   It's been a lot of fun being home, but I've come to realize that it's not quite the same living at home after living at college. Just working at Chick-fil-a and having "homework", which was just my online class, was like going back to my "normal" life, or rather, my pre-college life. It's been fun being home again, but it's been a little hard as well, because living independently at college is a very new and exciting thing. I also miss my roommates, because they were the perfect roommates to start college with, and it's hard knowing that I'll be rooming with new people in spring. And also it's really hard being away from--dare I say it--my boyfriend (it still feels weird saying those two words). But, there has been a lot to look forward to while I've been home.
   In February, Jeffrey and Debbie stayed with us for almost a month. It was so much fun having a change in the house with all the kids being around, and it was great being able to spend time with Jeffrey and Debbie. Then they left about a week before March, and in that week, Mom and I went to San Antonio to take care of David and Sammy's kids while they went to Universal Studios (Harry Potter World!!!). What a week! What a month! A whole month of being around kids! It was tiring at times, but so fun.

This is what we do when the couples are out on Valentine's day.

San Antonio time!

   Then March came around, and it snowed. In Texas, in March, it snowed. But it was fun! Unfortunately it melted by the end of the day. Figures.

   A week before Easter, Jeffrey and Debbie came up and their kids had an Easter egg hunt. These pics are too adorable. (photo cred: Mom)

   Ah, the month of April. Which means April Fool's day. On this day, I had to work at 6 in the morning, meaning I had to get up before then to get ready. But, to my surprise, someone took out all the lightbulbs in the bathroom where I get ready. What an awesome joke at 5 in the morning. I commend you, Mom and Dad.

   Well, that concludes my post for now. I plan on [hopefully] posting maybe at least once a month while I'm at college in the Spring.
   Love life, be happy, choose the right, and other motivating life things! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures! And the April Fool's thing made me laugh! :)
